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Blood Command – 'Return Of The Arsonist' EP Review


1 Don't Strike A Match, Use The Lighter

2. S01E02.Return.Of.The.Arsonist.720

3. No Thank You, I'm More In To Fake

4. Live Right Or Go Straight To Hell

5. Ritual Knife

6. Afraid Of Water

Full on, intense and determined to blow you away, this EP starts really slowly, don’t be fooled it’s a trap, about half way through the first song it kicks off and it never really calms down again after that, apart from an almost anthemic ending to the third track.

The guitars are turned up to 10, the vocals vary between melodic and verging on shouting, it just works if its this is what you are into. For now, it will have quite a niche audience but every so often something finds its way into a song and hints at a wider musical ambition, which could make this band very interesting indeed.

I suspect this is not for everyone, but I really enjoyed it. Don’t get me wrong, it's not music I will put on for an evening to help me unwind after work, it is however, perfect taking on the world music.

I think Blood Command have crossed Thrash Metal and Punk Rock and created their illegitimate child, when it fully grows up it could be immense, for now it's just really good.

The final song, 'Afraid Of Water', shows the way forward, in my view, as to where this band could go, when the shouting is toned down you realise that the lead singer has a good voice and this band could be on to something.

Review - Iain McClay

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