River Meets Sea - 'Rest On Me' Single Review

London based River Meets Sea have a new single “Rest On Me” due out soon and it’s a catchy little thing. The band are Joe Osborne, Liam Lovegrove, Jamie Howard and Luke Remon and they’re described, on their Book of Face page, as ‘Folk Rock/Post Rock’. Now I know there are some of you who have seen the ‘F’ word and are preparing to mentally move on, leaving this one for others to continue to read. I have to say that, if you do, you are making a mistake.
“Rest On Me”opens with a kind of blue grass guitar picking (I was hooked from there) and has some beautiful sweeping guitar sounds passing through the basic guitar parts. It then builds with keyboards and drums into a frankly brilliant song. The song itself is based on the old ‘I’ll be there for you no matter what’ storyline but the music, the lyrics and depth of the vocal delivery really make this song stand out and turn it into something quite special. There is a real intimacy to this song that makes you listen to it over and over again and I love that.
River Meets Sea marks a new direction for the former Joe Osborne and The Winter Moon and, based on this single, it’s definitely the right direction.

Website - www.rivermeetssea.com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rivermeetsseamusic/
Review - Chris Watson