Izzy Thomas - Trouble (Pull That Trigger) Single Review

“Trouble” by Izzy Thomas is a fascinating and fun track.
We have a lot of electronic noise and distorted vocals as our intro, moving into verses that have this infectious, crunchy synth feel with a pulsing beat and a defiant yet beautiful vocal, with striking harmonies - overall the verses have this trippy side of Pop feel to them, and then we move into an almost ethereal pre chorus that explodes into a Rock lead guitar anthemic gut punch of empowerment.
Then, we get a tightly condensed bridge vocal that brings in drums and layers an insane amount of harmonies and then bursts back into that edgy chorus, demanding your attention.
As an overall song it might sound a little bit bipolar, but the overall experience tied together is a cohesive musical bomb of Pop anarchy. According to an interview with Billboard Izzy described this song as coming from a place of frustration from being constantly judged and turned away by producers, and this song was her equivalent of fighting back - and that makes a lot of sense when you consider the contrasting musical elements you hear - the song is literally saying “Hey! I can’t be put into a box!”

Check out the video for Trouble (Pull That Trigger).
Website - www.izzythomas.com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/izzythomasofficial/
Review - Kayleigh Morgan