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The Story So Far - O2 Institute, Birmingham 07.10.2018

Having recently released 'Proper Dose', this was The Story So Far’s first show back in Birmingham for a while. Making my way into O2 Institute, it was clear that the show must have been a near sell out, as it was packed to the rafters with fans both young and old eager to see the show.

First up were All Get Out, who warmed the room up easily with tracks such as 'Room To Talk' and 'Whatever'. They were a fitting support for the main event, combining soulful lyrics with heavy riffs. The crowd seemed to enjoy it too, whooping and dancing along to my favourite track 'The Season'. Their upcoming album 'No Bouquet' is being released on the 2nd of November, which I’m incredibly excited for. If its anything like the show they put on here, it’s going to be brilliant.

Next were Citizen, a band that many of my friends are obsessed with but that I’ve found rather difficult to get into. Opening with 'Roam The Room', their 9 song setlist included tracks from their 2013 album 'Youth' but nothing earlier – surprising, but it’s clear they’re moving forward with a much more mature sound. Material from their latest album went down a treat with fans, especially closing track Jet.

I’m not sure what I was expecting from The Story So Far. An energetic set, perhaps, with lots of running and jumping. Instead, singer Parker Cannon is totally static, and clad in a parka coat that has him looking like Noel Gallagher, he sings the entire set with his hands clasped firmly behind his back.

The crowd more than make up for this lack of movement thought, and fling themselves across the barrier whenever the band play an older track. And that they do – old songs go down a treat, with my best friend almost falling off the balcony in sheer delight as they begin to play 'The Glass'. For me though, it’s their acoustic songs which strike a chord, with crowd favourite 'Clairvoyant' resulting in the entire room screaming along. However their newer material is also striking, and 'Take Me Please' is simply brilliant. This is a band who benefit from going against the grain – as opposed to getting louder, they’re getting quieter, and I love it.

Photos & Review - Sutcliffe Photography

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