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Interview With 'J.E.F.F.'

Firstly, introduce yourselfand tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?

I am J.E.F.F. a guitar player and music producer. I've been producing music since the age of 15 but I was too busy playing in live bands for years to really focus on a 'solo' project. I moved to Los Angeles two years ago and decided to take some time to build my own thing here.

What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?

Since I started playing music, I've always been part of bands and projects. I'm currently working with diffenrent Pop and Rock acts in the LA area and doing a lot of session work as a guitar player. But I knew that at some point I was going to do something on my own, and 2018 was the perfect year to start everything.

Tell us about your latest EP/Album and why our readers should check it out.

Well I just released my first music video called 'Sleepless'. If you like Rock, Electronica and guitar playing you should check it out !! It's the first track of my upcoming album 'Until The Morning Light'. The whole thing is gonna be out at the end of the year but I will post some extracts online every months from now.

Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?

I saw Iggy Pop (wih the Stooges) many times live. The crazy sh*t he does, at his age, with such power and honesty....Man, you gotta respect the guy.

If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?

I'm still working on putting a live band together to play this project. I want a real band and some action going on. It wont be just a guy with a laptop and a guitar pressing buttons. How boring is that ! *laughs*

If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?

The Prodigy. The best EDM live act I've seen by far.

You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?

Josh Homme from QOTSA. Smart dude, you wanna grab a beer with him and talk about music production for hours.

And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

I've never seen it actually.

Check out the video for 'Sleepless'

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