THE YOUNG & RESTLESS Release Video For New Single 'Family Values'

Pop punk quartet THE YOUNG & RESTLESS release their brand new single 'Family Values'.
"'Family Values' is about the typical scenario of a broken home – of course that could mean a lot of different things, but we think it’s something a lot of people can relate to no matter what it could be. When growing up these can have a detrimental effect on you, it makes you feel vulnerable, angry and confused, particularly in your teens when you’re only just finding yourself. It’s just a constant whirlwind of emotions that we delved into when writing this single. At first the music seems quite upbeat, until the opening line comes in and slaps you straight in the face! We wanted to give the impression of someone putting on a front to mask how they’re truly feeling beneath within both the music and the lyrics. Having been in similar situations ourselves we want to remind those people, you’re not alone, and it’s okay because after all the said and done, it does gets better."