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Jamie Lenman Releases Video For New Single 'Irrelevant'

Jamie Lenman has released the new video for his single 'Irrelevant' featuring Andrew Groves from Arcane Roots From Jamie Lenman on 'Irrelevant' - "This track is a re-working of the last track on my album ‘Devolver’, about trying to get rid of the ego and any haughty ideas you might have about yourself as someone or something important. Really it’s about death and being ready for that, you know – you come from nothing, you go into nothing, and that’s fine. I had an idea that it would make a really nice quiet ballad – but when I demoed it, it sounded so much like Arcane Roots that I thought why not just get Andrew (Groves) to do it? We’d been friends for a long time and we’d just been on tour in Europe together so it made a lot of sense. He brought all his synth toys to bear on it and added those brilliant high vocals, I really love it. It was Andy’s idea to bring in producer Chris Coulter which was fantastic because in addition to being Arcane Roots’ producer and my live guitarist for two years, he’s also a great friend of both of ours, so that was a really fun happy day we spent in the studio, trying bits out and pulling it all together.” And on the new video - "We spent the entire promotional budget on the video for the other side of the single, 'Long Gone', but I wanted 'Irrelevant' to have its own visual identity so I dug out this old idea I'd had for a video that could maybe have suited the album version, 'Devolver', and worked it around the new track. We shot the footage of me singing in our house and Andy sent me over his footage which he'd shot at his place, and I stitched them together with a bunch of weird stock footage and colour effects. It's supposed to be like you're receiving a bunch of garbled images in space, broadcast from an unknown source, sort of mysterious...I'm really happy with how it came out."

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