Interview With 'Octalux'

Firstly, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?
Hurley: Vox/ guitar
Chase: Drums
Brent: Bass/back up vox
Tony : Lead guitar/ back up vox
Our apologies, Tony couldn’t make it to the interview.
Octalux, we’re a high energy Rock band that ignores trends and is rooted in everything we we like musically, it started as a simple project w/Hurley but got serious when he met Chase and then we got Brent and Tony made us a band, our friendship, many varied interests musically and outside of the and really bleed into what makes us tick and click.
The key differences in our musical tastes is where the real magic comes from because we make each other find what and where the other person is coming from musically with their ideas and then we mix it all together and somehow it works, we’re really blessed with some part of backwards magic!
What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?
Hurley: I wanted to be Oscar Madison from The Odd Couple fame, I also wanted to meet girls.
Chase: I was working at a Applebee's. God knows I didn't wanna be there forever. I don't think if this wasn't our chosen path we wouldn't still be here.
Brent I left my old band moved to Georgetown, KY and was always looking for a band to get Into while working, my dreams was to play music and not have a regular job
Tell us about your latest EP and why our readers should check it out.
Hurley “Noize In The Blood” came about because we had like 15-16 songs basically written and we wanted to record, but Chase was adamant that we need to do just an EP, album sales are kinda out/kinda in depending on the weather and Rock bands aren’t really a “singles” type market, so we went with Chases idea of 1 song per day Jb the studio, minimal overdubs, move on to the next song if 1 wasn’t working after 2-3 takes and it really got us focused and in a groove musically. 90% or so of the EP is straight from the floor takes, and we only touched up very minor things because we wanted to capture the true feel of Octalux.
Chase: It's the best we have ever sounded. Song wise, stylistically wise, it's the best work we've ever done.
Brent: The new EP which is coming out soon it's huge full of every kind of face melting genre of Rock 'n' Roll I highly recommend checking it out.
Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?
Hurley: Paul Stanley, I touched his boot as he flew overhead, I was in the 2nd row and just about dead from sheer exhilaration of seeing such a musical icon that close.
Chase: I met a Clint and Morgan from Sevendust and they were some of the sweetest dudes I've ever met. Very humble.
Brent: For me would be Scott Wilson from Saving Able. I'm always talking to him on a daily basis and he gives me awesome tips as a bassist, from pedals, strings, or tips on awesome tone we are from the same town of Berea Ky awesome guy!
If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?
Hurley: As we said, we’re a high energy Rock band that pushes ourselves to engage with every person in the audience, either a high five, wiping sweat on them, eye contact, singing to them, pointing at them and smiling or singing directly to them. We’re loud, we don’t talk a lot in between songs and we try to have as much motion and energy that they have.
Chase: Lots of Rock 'n' Roll and a fast, sweaty good time!
Brent: expect it to be an incredible time as we deliver rock n roll in a high energy way guarantee to sweat
If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?
Hurley: KISS.
Chase: Black Sabbath. Because Black Sabbath.
Brent: Alice In Chains they were the first band to get me to want to play live, named my son after Layne Staley.
You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?
Hurley: That’s easy for me, Paul Stanley, I’d pick him because I’m a huge KISS fan and I’d pick his brain about chord selections, audience engagement and quality stage raps.
Chase: Probably John Bonham so I could hopefully get a drum lesson out of him.
Brent: I would have to say Chester Bennington his voice was incredible and he was so kind and dearly missed very inspirational to me
And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?
Hurley: No, I’ve never seen it, but just because a movie is based in that time of year doesn’t make it a Christmas movie.
Chase: Yes.
Brent: Absolutely it was on Christmas Eve and I watch it every year during Christmas.
Check out our new single “Doomsday Cupid”
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