Three From Above - 'Hail Caesar!' Single Review

Three From Above are set to release their new single “Hail Caesar!”. Formed in late 2016, The Merseyside trio have quickly built a reputation and following on the live scene, playing with the likes of Otherkin, Katie Mac and an upcoming support slot with Strange Bones and have featured on the “BBC Introducing In Merseyside”. They are, also, the band to which one of my fellow reviewers belongs…ah!
Now, the plan here was to do a quick one liner saying how brilliant the song is and then, once he was no longer paying attention, spend 200 words telling you just the opposite. But, alas, I cannot because I really, really love it.
Apart from being around 1,608 years too late with it’s title (a more shameless attempt to curry favour with a defunct Empire I’ve yet to see), “Hail Caesar!” is 2 minutes and 18 seconds of gloriousness…from the opening fierce drums to the final chord it’s packed with evidence that all you really need (apart from talent) are drums, bass and guitar to make great music...anything else is just a needlessly split royalty cheque!
It’s hard to pin Three From Above into any sort of category, as they seem to be drawing influences from a wide spectrum – there are hints of Faith No More in there and some of the lyrics point to a definite David Byrne influence…whatever (and whomever) they’ve thrown into the melting pot it’s produced one hell of a tune – I’m not sure I’ll be able to get Mr. McWilliam’s riff out of my head for at least a week.
If you’re looking for the kind of song that grabs your attention from the get go and then leaves you wondering what just happened but with a smile on your face, then buy/stream/download/whatever this single – it’s worth it.

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Review - Chris Watson