Pleasure Heads - 'Middle Man' Single Review

Scotland is renown for producing brilliant bands and yep, we’ve only gone and done it again! I say we…I reckon 2 years and knowing the lyrics to “Flower of Scotland” allows me to claim some Scottishness.
Anyway, Falkirk’s finest (sorry I’m a sucker for alliteration) Pleasure Heads are releasing their new single “Middle Man” and it’s brilliant. In fact, given the quality and that they were only formed in 2016, that might be a bit of an understatement.
The lyrics evoke memories of getting together with your mates, hoping one of you manages to make that successful purchase of beers from the local shop (God bless you, David Brown!) and whiling away summer nights just talking shite (“I’d jump in for you anytime; even when the voice of reason starts to slur it’s lines”) and having a laugh, while singer Euan Purves’ voice adds an extra ambience to the reminiscence vibe of the song. The chorus is eminently singable too which always helps and there’s a definite ’79-’82 feel to the music which is ace.
The band are confirmed at this years Stag and Dagger, a multi venue festival in Glasgow as well as playing numerous gigs between now and then. Check them out on Spotify/Apple Music and then bemoan the fact you don’t live in Scotland.
Unless of course you do, in which case…how lucky are we??

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Review - Chris Watson