Barbie Sailers Release New Single/Video 'Follow'
Switzerland hasn't been known as an exporter of Rock talent, but that is about to change! Take note of the name 'Barbie Sailers' as you are going to become familiar with them in the months and years to come. Bringing their own flavour of Alt-Rock, showcasing a huge range of influences, Barbie Sailers are excelling in pulling together an exciting sound that will appeal to commercial Rock fans, just as much as to those leaning to a more Metalcore sphere.
The video for Follow sees the band taking on lead roles and not what they first appear. Bringing the very important message that things aren't always what they seem at first, this is something that can be attributed to many facets of life. Speaking about the new track, the band comment: "'Follow' is the first track written after our self-titled 2016 EP. The track is a new start for our band and we're really proud of the end result. The song speaks of having someone in your life that can change everything, yourself and the world around you. When you find this person you’ve to convince them that you can lead them to the right place and that they can follow you even in the darkest places. 'Follows' message is a mixture of love and power so everyone can live like this."