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Interview With 'The Time Framed'

Firstly, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about the band and how you came to be?

We're an experimental Rock trio from the Tampa Bay area. We've all always had an interest in wanting to do music professionally but weren't interested in going the typical route of straight up Rock or Pop Punk. Having backgrounds in music theory, we wanted to find ways to incorporate the weirdest ends of theory, jumping between time signatures and genres within our songs. We became who we are today through chance meetings through mutual friends and being the weird kids when we were growing up, we just clicked together and became like family.

What were you all up too prior to the band, was this always the chosen path or did you have other dreams and aspirations?

Our guitarist and vocalist, Jeremy, started playing guitar as a teenager listening to bands like Metallica and Slayer. He was neck deep into wanting to be professional musician from day one. Learning music theory opened up his style to the likes of Joe Satriani, Santana, and Jimi Hendrix, which leads into a lot of the style we have now. Our drummer, Brandon, grew up in music. His father owns a recording studio and has been a sound engineer for many musicians, and Brandon took up the practice learning different instruments and sound engineering himself, with a heavy focus on technical drumming. Like Jeremy, his goal from day one was to be a professional musician. I (Britt), the bassist, had a slightly different approach. I was completing graduate school with a Master's in Forensic Biochemistry with the goal of working in criminal investigations. After getting out of an abusive relationship, I used writing music as my therapy. Upon meeting Jeremy, he taught me music theory first, and then taught me to play bass. I fell in love with the field of music, the creativity and freedom I got from it, and from there I just wanted to do music.

Tell us about your latest EP and why our readers should check it out.

Our EP, 'Chrono Dementio', which is being released Nov. 4th, is just weird, and we mean that in the best way. We infused different genres of music and influence from theatrical music, classical music, and even video game music to create our EP. It's just a lot of fun from start to finish with interesting sounds, driving rhythms, and guitar solos that tell stories. It pulls from the emotions and keeps you on your toes with an overall familiar theme to grasp but taking different points of view on that theme. We believe your readers will really enjoy how different it feels and how it brings experimental to the mainstream.

Have you ever come face to face with someone within the music scene who has left you awestruck and why?

We're honestly going to have to say our drummer, Brandon. When he started with us, he was filling in on drums while we were working with someone who at the time unfortunately, (albeit fortunately in the long run) didn't work out. We were amazed with Brandon's drumming technique, his ability to switch up time signatures and really experiment with fills. His personality fit perfectly with us and it was a no brainer to have him stay with the band. Already he has added a lot to our songs that make them more dynamic and interesting, and due to being skilled on guitar and bass, he's helped more than most people can. Not only in playing, but he recorded, mixed and mastered our EP and we're nothing but impressed by what he could do.

If we were to head out to one of your live shows what can ourselves and others expect?

Total weirdness! But in all seriousness, it's totally normal for me to be walking around the venue while playing, our drummer dancing behind the kit, and our guitarist doing back bends and playing solos on the floor. Jeremy likes to mess with different effects pedals and make strange noises you wouldn't expect to hear from a guitar and Brandon makes some of the best drummer faces! With it being just three of us we have a rather stripped down visual aesthetic, so we don't use lights or fog machines (yet) but we try to make up for that by making the songs look as differently when we play them as they sound to us.

If you had one artist/band that you could go on tour with tomorrow who would it be and why?

That's a tough question, we know and love so many groups. Nothing More would be my first choice. They seem to go on tour constantly so they have experience and they always have something new to impress the crowd. That would be a great way to learn how to handle the challenges. Also, they seem like down to earth people which might not matter to everyone, but it matters to us.

You can spend an hour with a musical icon living or dead, who would you pick, why and what would you speak about?

Omar Rodriguez Lopez of The Mars Volta. He's such a strange nerdy character that I feel like we would get along and probably write a song together. We'd probably talk about music, maybe some music theory, and what musical things we expect to become trendy.

And finally and most importantly is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

Yippee Ki Yay!

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